Clean Tech Open Presents
Clean Tech Transportation Symposium
out about clean technology advancements within the transportation
- LEARN from experienced
- HEAR from policy makers
and expert investors about market trends
- MEET Clean Tech Open
Alumni and 2008 Finalists
- ATTEND the 2008 Clean
Tech Open Transportation Symposium
Traffic congestion, air pollution and rising fuel costs are strong
drivers for our modes of transportation. What technologies are emerging
to address these issues? How are savvy entrepreneurs and investors
taking advantage of the massive market for transportation?
Come listen to the expert panel address applications of clean technologies
and innovative business models for transportation issues. Hear from
two local entrepreneurs working for mass transportation solutions.
Get the perspective from local government on successful programs
and incentives to implement clean technologies. Learn from investment
and marketing experts on how to take these technologies to market
and deploy them at scale.
Proterra's brand new Hybrid-Electric Bus will also be on display.
As with all Clean Tech Open events, join us for food and drinks,
and plenty of networking opportunities.
Please RSVP here to join us. This event has limited space.
Cost is $20 for online registration and $30 at the door (cash only).
FREE for students and paid contestants of the 2008 Clean Tech Open.
Walk-ins are welcome, but space is limited, so make sure you join
us and RSVP NOW!
- 6:00pm Registration, Light Appetizers and Networking
- 7:00pm Panel Discussion
- 8:30pm Networking and Poster Session
- 9:00pm Adjourn
Introduction and Keynote:
- Introduction - CTO
- Keynote Address - Paul M. Williamsen, National Manager, Lexus
College, University of Toyota
- Jack Rosebro, Green Car Congress (Moderator)
- Sean Arian, Director of Economic Development Strategy, Office
of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
- Josh Bigelow, CEO, Syncromatics (2007 CTO Transportation Winner)
- Kimberly Gardiner, Toyota Motor Sales
- Dale Hill, CEO and Founder, Proterra
- Robb McLarty, Associate, NGEN
Venue generously provided with the support of the UCLA Office of
the Vice Chancellor for Research.
And Environmental Defense Fund Invite You To Attend An Interactive
Workshop On Nano Risk Management:
Nano Risk Management Training Workshop
DuPont and Environmental Defense Fund invite you to attend an
interactive workshop on nano risk management.
These workshops will give participants the tools they need to:
· Understand (and explain to others) why nano-specific risk
management is necessary;
· Assemble and leverage the internal and external resources
to implement nano-specific risk management; and
· Begin implementing nano-specific risk management in an
efficient and effective manner.
The workshops will be led by Scott Walsh, of Environmental Defense
Fund, and Terry Medley and Keith Swain, of DuPont, authors of the
Nano Risk Framework, a comprehensive, flexible and practical tool
to evaluate, manage and communicate the potential risks of nanomaterials.
The workshop will include:
· Interactive discussions of how to implement nano-specific
risk management;
· Case studies of nano-specific risk management in use by
companies and governments; and
· Sources of additional help for companies adopting these
Register for Wednesday, April 2nd at the Sustainable Packaging
Coalition (San Francisco, CA) at
or by contacting Lesley Fore at
Register for Tuesday, April 8th at the Toxics Use Reduction Institute
(Boston, MA) at
Forum Sponsors
